Northallerton Striders
Northallerton Striders
Walk Schedule
If you need more information please contact Mike E on 0790789136 or  email:-

Please keep checking the web-site for regular updates
Striders walks are approximately 5 miles led by guides. 
All walk at their own risk, free of charge except for insurance cover etc. for which we charge a small annual fee.
Money will also be required to buy refreshments during or at the end of each walk. Please arrive at venue/bus stop 10 minutes early.
All walks are circular unless stated.
All buses start from the Buck Inn, High Street, Northallerton. (DL7 8LU)
Some walks require the use of cars.
Sorry, dogs are not allowed on walks.
Walks could be subject to change so only the next walk will be fully listed on this web-site at present.
A full proposed programme has been sent to all members by email and more detailed information will be sent out during the week prior to each walk.

Next walk

Friday 26th July - Bedale to Snape Circular

Meet at the Buck Inn Northallerton at 9:55 to catch the 10:05 No.73 Bedale bus from Northallerton to Bedale White Bear pub bus stop or meet at the White Bear (corner of Bridge Street and South End) at 10:30.
Car parking: Bedale Bridge Street car parks (all day £2.20) as most on road parking is restricted to two hours or try to find a space along South End or Harbour Rise. (Check for restrictions)
Route: A circular walk from Bedale via Firby, passing Thorp Perrow to Snape Village entering by Ings Lane where we will have a break and returning from Snape from beside the Castle Inn and back to Bedale.  (Castle Inn closed at lunch time)
If you prefer not to walk back to Bedale and stay in Snape there is a No.144 bus from Snape to Bedale at 13:12.  (last bus 14:42)
Distance:  5½ miles walking return - Time: 2½ hours plus short break in Snape.
Difficulty: Mainly flat, some field, track and road walking so boots or trainers are advised. (Depending on weather) Some low stiles.
Return: Bus from Bedale to Northallerton at 05 & 35 minutes past the hour until 14.35 then about every half hour.
Refreshments: On return to Bedale, several pubs & cafes are available for food.
Our usual pub, the Old Black Swan is closed for change of ownership. But the White Bear, The Green Dragon and several cafes are all open, your choice on the day or book directly with the venue yourself. 

Proposed future Walks, details later, subject to possible changes so always check before setting off

Sunday 4th August - Bainbridge to Hawes Linear walk by bus
Meet Buck Inn 09:20   Bus departs 09:30 
Return bus from Hawes at 14:35 & 17:25

Friday 9th August - Grassington by coach. (by booking and paying in advance only)
Depart Buck Inn 09:00; Leeming 09:30
Grassington @10:30; leave 17:00
Arrive Leeming 18:00; Buck Inn 18:30

Saturday 17th August - Scorton area
Meet Buck Inn 09:20 for 09:30 No 55 bus or meet at Scorton 09:55
Return bus 14:00

Friday 23rd August - Hartlepool & Seaton Carew by train/car
Meet Northallerton Railway Station 
Times to be advised

Saturday 31st  August - Maureen's Middleham by car
Meet Forum car park 09:50 to organise cars or meet in Middleham at 10:30

Friday 6th Sept - Captain Cook's Monument by car
Meet Forum car park 09:50 to organise cars or meet at monument car park for 10:45 start

Saturday 14th Sept - Ripon by car
Meet Forum car park 09:50 to organise cars or meet in Ripon at 10:40

Friday 20th Sept - Saltburn by train/car
Meet Northallerton Railway Station 
Times to be advised

Saturday 28th Sept - Thirsk Area
Meet at Buck Inn 10:05 for 10:15 bus or meet at Thirsk Market Place at 10:35
Return bus 14:00 & 14:20

Website last updated 21st July 2024

Walks may be cancelled or cut short if the weather is really bad. Check your Striders emails before setting out on a walk.

Northallerton Striders


just making sure we have a vertical scroll bar, otherwise it jitters sideways.